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20-11-18 How, & Why Our Leaders & We Lie To Ourselves.

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: 20-11-18 How, & Why Our Leaders & We Lie To Ourselves.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:39 am

20-11-18 removed Why from title. 2019-12-31, 2018-2-25 Changed title to include Us as individuals.

20-11-18 Maintaining life in a negative entropic universe is hard and Morality is based upon necessity.
Unless we consciously=politically agree on a common moral code death from selfishness is inevitable.
Odd isn't it, putting others first is the essence of No 1st Cost. Cooperation, not predation is how life as a whole survives, but without predators, we can not become self-aware.

12-31-19 Changing yourself and how you see the world around you is very hard. You have to admit you have "untrue/unrealistic, impractical, damaging to yourself and others behaviors and habits. That is why it is said, "When you want a true picture of how you look to others, ask your enemies." Ergo, changing how you see the world is hard because you must change how you think. That is painful.

The reason for it is simple, "Not a single question or comment from anyone in over eight million hits."

Not even a "You are crazy.".

I have always assumed only 10% were people, but I got the same response when I proved it to someone in person.

Why? The short answer I think is you know deep down its true. The enormity of a real "end of the world" event is too big to comprehend. Worse we can only see our debt by deduction from published evidence.

Above all, everyone seems to ignore the fact I keep pointing out, We Can Prevent It By Working Together!

So question becomes: Why don't you want to work together?

I think the bottom line here is, "then you would have to turn your whole life upside down, admit your personal and public lies to yourself and others, and consciously help others at often great sacrifice to yourself.".

Big cost.

However, not making the sacrifice means you choose death for everyone including your loved ones and yourself.

Reminds me of that great Jack Benny joke.

Robber sticks a gun in Benny's rib, "Your money or your life!!"
Silence is the reply.

Robber repeats digging the gun in harder, "Your money or your life!!"
Again silence as Jack thinks,

Again the Robber repeats digging the gun even harder, "Your money or your life!!"

Finally Jack replies, "I'm thinking, I'm thinking!"

Your choice, keep your lies to yourself and to the rest of us, your money and things; or choose to be a noble soul that seeks the truth about who and what we are. No fate but what we make.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:19 am; edited 3 times in total

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