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Investing, N1CL Hows, Pay Stipulated Gross Revenues, Patent
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Post subject: Investing, N1CL Hows, Pay Stipulated Gross Revenues, Patent
Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:53 pm |
Section 4. Invest, N1CL Hows, Pay Stipulated Gross Revenues, Patent royalties
How Posting, Challenging, & Verifying N1CL News Reports Works
Anyone Can Post A News Report! Whistle blower's IDs are zealously protected.
Anyone Can Challenge A News Report! using your anonymous registration handle.
Full members actual name must be used, E.g. those who claim to do science for all.
We DO NOT CENSOR your speech, we keep the record, your words are yours alone.
The only speech that gets you banned
are confirmed complaints that you threatened criminal
violence, physical or financial against anyone using the N1CL,
you must apologize and agree to not do so again.
A second complaint gets you banned. The third permanently.
No pictures of anyone for an avatar. Plus we blip out the F word and three variants.
We keep a list of confirmed complaints and you can run your posts against it before posting.
How Fund Building & Growing List?
1. Use We Owe Yous(WOU) To Raise the capital needed to grow N1CL fast.
We repay our loans with 5% of Stipulated Gross Revenues in perpetuity.
How N1CL We Owe You(WOUs) work.
There are only 100 million WOUs in our treasury and there number will not increase,
but you can divide them.
This means cut one WOU in half, then each half share of the 5% of SGR is cut to 2.5% SGR and so on.
Our devout PLAN is to keep the issued number to under 20% of the total WOUs.
Remember, only actually issued to the public WOUs share in the 5% SGR.
Our success rests on your realization that we require a N1CL to create Honest NEWS for all.
Initial Full Member Registration Conditions
The N1CL LLC will use any non dedicated SGRs plus all royalties on "rel c|vel-vec meter" to develop Faster
than Light(FTL) entangled quantum communication to interstellar distances and building FTL spaceships.
We are going to invite Full Members who qualify to help build a quantum cell, phone network, FTL and etc.
They will retain the rights to any patents based on the issued patent described above with these conditions.
1.Large cell phone, internet, and tech companies can submit bids with a bid fee of
$10,000,000(refundable if not accepted) to use the "relative to c | velocity/vector meter" patent.
You will have 18 months to demonstrate a working model. The royalty starts at 5% paid upon
ny communication device or other application based on "relative to c | velocity/vector meter patent.
After 18 months without a working model the royalty increases by 1% every 2 months to 10%. See bidders contract.
Your companies must register as Full N1CL members.
2. Other scientists and space travel development entities must register as Full Members to participate.
3. You must use the private internal message system of the N!CL to give your qualifications to
become a Full Member working on building and developing this FTL communication tool and FTL travel.
Register Now, we won't release your email to anyone,
internally or externally by software design.
A Ground Rule:
To work with me on our disconnection, you will use the N1CL .
Register and use the private message system to contact me for interviews, etc.
Some Must Dos
1. 2-4-2017 Needed A-M debt Disconnection Tools, Measurements & Must Do's
Force NASA to show us where they are keeping the Long Term Gamma Blaster event record
and force them to list those with Afterglows, the gas cloud from a vaporized living planet.
2.What are the consequences of the breakup of Earth's Three Monkey Society?
3. As our oceans are dying, how do we save our sea animals genes?
4. Understanding the theory underlying these predictions and questions is crucial.
Explain why 0/0 is the base premise for describing how the base forces of our universe interact from where we sit = writing a simple GUT theory that ties the four basic forces together from all life forms common point of view: Own Time Cost Minimization. Zero the number is the key. Understanding how we use it to manipulate the number line lets us see ourselves and above all our location with respect to the rest of our marvelous universe implying FTL travel.
Using zero(s) to count numbers more accurately.
Edited 4-27-15 Where & How we can go Faster than Light
Who can Report, and Respond by Challenging, Correcting, or Verifying?
Any registered user who agrees to use the Q&A Procedures of the N1CL to Report or Question;
and answer any challenges mano a mano to their reports when made.
Since these words in these Reports, Questions and Responses belong to you,
then you agree to accept your "first hit" share of the 50% of N1CL SGR as full
payment from the N1CL for its use, publication, and sale of your part in a Q&A.
Who decides how much reporters, challengers, verifiers, questioners,
and editors get paid from the 50% N1CL SGR pays for news reports?
Our registered users first hits on "Q&A Procedures reports" reward who gets paid by this formula:
Total "first hits" on N1CL News Reports receive 50% of SGR.
Subsequent hits on same report by same person don't count.
Each reports number of "first hits" per month is divided into total 'first hits' per month on all reports.
This division gives your reports share of the 50% SGR per month. We pay monthly on the 3rd.
Second hits and on from same registered user don't count.
Your N1CL News reports keep earning money as long as new first hits keep coming.
Stipulated Gross Revenues(SGR) are all revenues from all sources except for:
How does N1CL allocate SGR percentages?
You, the Public create and verify our news. Not biased, self-serving, reporters working
for the corporate "news??"papers and TV networks who think they can not be challenged,
Invitees who want to help build this tool fast will retain the rights to any patents
based on the "%c|c-c meter" patent described below, with these conditions.
1. You register as a non Full Member.
2. You ask using the private internal message system of the N!CL to become a Full Member working on building and developing this communication tool and giving qualifications.
3. Interested parties who want to help develop instant entangled communication anywhere
and FTL travel will be required to put up $10,000,000 and will receive 1000 WOUs each;
unless you can show necessary personal expertise in building of entangled clocks
and other necessary skills. Experts will also receive 1000 WOUs.
4. All invitees will become Full Members and agree to share all research without quibble or royalties until July 17, 2024.
5. Invitee terms especially apply to billionaires and governments.
The "%c | vel-vec meter" invention solves the problem our physicists found after they demonstrated instant
entangled communication between separated entangled clocks on Earth moving at rhe same % of the
speed of light, but lost entanglement when they put one half in orbit moving at a different % of c.
They lost entanglement because Relativity says the separated entangled clocks now have different
clock speeds. Our invention fixes that problem and also implies how the E-Ts travel at FTL, ergo so can we.
FTL travel helps ensure prevention and also makes it possible to send some of us to nearby life bearing star systems.
Register Now,
Methods & Materials
_________________ "I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."
Last edited by Dan on Sat Aug 24, 2019 7:07 am; edited 11 times in total
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