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05-22-11 Why E-T blinkships our Govt has could stop our Sun from exploding.

Three things must be done:

1. Verify the first exactly overlapping asteroid conjunction shown in Missing Earth crop circle, then verify the existence of the second conjunction exactly three years later at the 12 o'clock with respect to the Missing Earth's 9 o'clock conjunction when oriented on July 17, 2003. We must know the exact time the second conjunction goes to a center to center overlap.

Since they are not natural, i.e. the asteroids had to have been moved for these conjunctions to occur. They could not occur by chance. Now lets verify them.

2. Bring George Bush to Law or the E-Ts will prevent us from using the E-T blinkships our governments have in their possession. They will not let a Three Monkey Society led planet survive.

3. Below I assert our governments have E-T blink ships in their possession. Then all we need is knowing how to navigate them to other side of our Sun at the appropriate moment. i.e. the navigation equation for a Moebius I have worked out.

Then the actual disconnection of our conservation debt is almost trivially simple. Just not easy. Wake up!

Our Anti-Matter conservation debt arrives on the other side of the Sun on the Earth's orbit about 26 minutes earlier moving at .5 c; thus it had to hit Sun at the exact angle required to let its 'spear of fire' hit Earth precisely. Thus we must deduce where that hole opening is for that to occur. With three E-T ships we could cover all possibilities.

We need to be very precise about where the 'wormhole opening' is. I hope we have more than one E-T ship that is "zero with respect to c capable".

It would sure be nice to talk with the E-Ts about this. I suspect they know precisely where that opening is. Given our "high moral state of civilization", I suspect they will insist we figure this out for ourselves. How else could we grow up?

9-21-08 1. All we need in a pinch is one of the E-T ships the US government does have in its possession, and what they know about how it works. Witnesses report seeing these ship blink out of existence and instantaneously reappear a short distance away. That indicates they can "drop down to zero with respect to "c" the speed of light. When a 'wormhole is present, and you drop to zero "c", then you fall through the 'wormhole' leading to our A-M debt. We will know that we "hit the wormhole opening" when the ship does not reappear = SUCCESS.

2. Drop the 'go zero with respect to c' E-T ship down the 'wormhole' on July 16 2012, maybe January 15, 2012 exactly 1/2 sidereal year before July 16 2012 when earth passes over the Wormhole opening(may not work, I think that the 'wormhole' only opens when we are exactly 90 degrees apart in either direction to our A-M debt across the surface of our M universe.) If it remains open then we can deduced its location as Earth as we crosses over it. For this theoretical reason, I doubt attempting to dropp a blinkship down the wormhole on the January 16, 2012 will work, but if we have extra ships, its worth a try. I would prefer three of these ships but one will do in a pinch. The width of the hole should be about 500 kilometers = about 16.6 seconds at Earth's orbital speed. A big hole if wormhole remains open all the time.

Published reports in major scientific journals confirm every single causal link in the theory that makes the prediction. Denial marks children, fools, and cowards; not adults who care for their loved ones future. I assure you, our conserved universe does not let the deliberately unconscious survive. Wake Up!!

Knowing where to put it and how is easily explained, by the theory that predicts the existence of our A-M debt. This theory also implies where, when, and how to disconnect it. That essential part is done. All we need to do is make our government disgorge an E-T ship they are not using and Earth lives on for awhile longer. Wake Up!!!

Our real problem is political.
For some reason, the USA government has kept secret their knowledge of E-Ts starting before Roswell and continuing to the present. Since many witnesses assert direct US government person to person contacts with E-Ts, then one could make an argument for some kind of control over our government by E-Ts. But given the danger, and the need to act immediately, this is no time for recriminations, it is a time to act. Wake Up!!!!

The biggest reason that public action is blocked, is that our society is run by an UNCONSCIOUS "Three Monkey Society". Ergo, none of its members, or our leaders, ever have to discuss any subject that government propaganda and ridicule have driven outside the bounds of objective public investigation. In fact, the majority of the public want to know what is actually going on with E-Ts; especially since 20% or more of the population according to polls say they have seen an UFO. Why Remaining a 'Three Monkey Society' will Kill us All.

I will link here and at the bottom to the list of what we need other scientists to do that will confirm the basic causal outline of my theory. Most are already done, but we need some details filled in. Needed A-M disconnection Must Dos, measurements, etc.

Technically we need:

1. The "captured" E-T ship(s) the US government has them in its possession ala "Independence Day". Most probably, the E-Ts let us have and keep them.

These ship(s) must blink in and out of sight reappearing a short distance away.
This indicates their ability to drop down to 'zero with respect to the speed of light(c)'.

Eyewitnesses have reported seeing E-T ships with this capability during their testing on US military bases, and I have seen about 5 minutes of footage by an ABC news crew flying over France at 25,000 feet in 1975 showing a UFO doing exactly that.

2. We need to know where to use this E-T ship on July 16, 2012. Knowing exactly when our A-M conservation debt is due, means we can predict exactly when and where to put it.

When: The 'wormhole' entrance is exactly 1/2 sidereal year before July 16, 2012, fortunately for us, exactly where Earth will be at that time directly over the opening. With Earth as our delivery vehicle to drop E-T blinkship or FTL ship near or exactly over the wormhole location until it opens on July 16, 2012, could we keep the E-T ship in orbit there?

Answer: The orbital mechanics plus the six month supplies required by even a one man crew make this very unlikely. The problem, the location of wormhole opening is at the center of the Earth AND it does not open until July 16, 2012.

Where??? recheck what follows: "At exactly which point on Earth's surface or just above it, do we "drop the E-T ship down to 'zero with respect to c'?" That point is deduced by drawing a line from the exact center of the Sun on the plane of the Earth's ecliptic through the Earth's center precisely 1/2 year before the time shown by the overlap(conjunction) of the two asteroids in the Missing Earth crop circle.

Then deduce exactly which point on earth's surface passes through that point on January 15, 2009.

3. Drop the ship down the "wormhole" at that instant.

Caveats: In point of fact, Earth travels at an average speed of 29.658 km/sis in its orbit, and its radius is 6,357.7 kilometers, then Earth's center is 214.2 seconds from being exactly over the center of the 'wormhole'. The 'wormhole' is open for the whole year going towards A-M debt, then it reverses direction next July 16, 2009 to let the A-M debt drop through towards us. So the question becomes: "Do we have to adjust exactly where over the hole to drop it?" Right now, the center will have to do; but knowing exactly how wide the 'wormhole' is, may be crucial.

Question for other scientists:

1. How do we deduce how big our A-M debt is? In the 'Missing Earth' circle you see the Sun pushed nearly to Mercury's orbit. Since the date shown by the remaining three planets is July 17, 2003, the circle shows how much energy was expended moving the Sun 40 million miles out towards mercury's orbit in 6 years. i.e. When the turd shaped mass of frozen hydrogen hits the Sun at 1/2 c; then the impact edge torches off like a great rocket decelerating A-M debt until it rests in the center of the Sun, with its remaining mass blasting Earth for at least 8 plus minutes.

Ergo, it is a great rocket motor accelerating the Sun towards Mercury's orbit. Since we have 100% matter to energy conversion in a M/A-M explosion; then a good astrophysicist should be able to deduce exactly how much energy the Sun's speed in orbit was accelerated to move 40 million miles in six years. Once you know how much energy that took, then we know exactly what mass of frozen hydrogen contains that much energy = A-M debt size.

Sun's mass is roughly 1.99 x 1030 kg. This is about 333000 times the mass of the Earth. A napkin estimate is Sun would be accelerated about .3 kms to move 40 million miles or 64,360,000 Kilometers. Yikes, that is a lot of energy = mass. I will finish this rough estimate up later.

When: We can refine the time by using the the 'conjunction' of the two asteroids to show exactly when to a micro-second. Missing Earth crop circle

Objective = We agree that each of us can see 'it = anything we life forms can perceive' with our life form's properly functioning sensory apparatus.

Posted by admin 2008-08-13 21:50:36
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