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'Cost estimate' to build N1CL for whole planet by
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: 'Cost estimate' to build N1CL for whole planet by
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:37 am

I did the first 'cost estimate' for this fast build yesterday on 5-19-07. It works out to about a $1 million a year for hardware and software implementation. My thanks to 'Bill' for widening my horizons.(5-26-07 Fast costs more, I think an order of magnitude increase in hardware/software costs is
more realistic. I expect us to be avalanched once about 100 key people believe the prediction. They will spread the word to like minded people and BAM an avalanche of hits.)
The List is absolutely crucial for coodinating our disconnection. A fast build is a must.

Acvertising = $15,000,000 for a targeted word-wide campaign. Ads are most important and most expensive part of growing N1CL.(5-26-07 More pertinent to steering response as/after avalanche hits us. Ergo, have ad firm on board during Beta for quick response dictated by ongoing conditions; thus leave amount alone.)
Once in place, ongoing 'computer' operations of interface are relatively inexpensive.

I will post an attachment of costs in next couple of days for your perusal. I most certainly will have overlooked some things. (5-26-07 I will wait a week.)

Please suggest anything or action you think is required for success in building N1CL fast.

On the Ad campaign, that may be high. I expect 'word of mouth' on the N1CL and the 'prediction' to generate very high traffic.

However, keeping pressure on our politicians and 'resistant countries, businesses and organizations will be crucial. (5-26-07 Petition on N1CL plus ad push.)

From the way some of them behave, one would think they have a death wish for Earth.

Realistically, the List will be used politically by its members including me. It is meant for public arguement, challenge, and debate, paticuarly scientific and political.

But remember, the list treats everyone the same. Its rules are applied automatically and impartially by software construction to all users, especially me.

5-26-07 Building list initially is to focus on hardware/software implementation. I have always worried that it would 'take off' before we were physically ready to handle the traffic. I can feel that we are getting close to this point. The hits are starting to spurt. See statistics link on left under WEB at bottom main menu.

PROGRESS On BETA SITE: Our programmers are about to integrate the CPG upgrade with our old CPG version DB. Once that is done we can quickly finish registration sequence and implement the 72 hour 'consequence' described in the 'directions'.

Next week will be interesting because I am hoping the team I have assembled can work together to do this quickly. If it goes without to many hitches, then when we bring in additional IT people our existing people will be able to 'train' them quickly on what must be done.

I am shooting for July 17 to have the List fully functional for the planet.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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