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12-28-19 How Long To Know We Are Disconnected?
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: 12-28-19 How Long To Know We Are Disconnected?
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:32 pm

Edit 12-28-19, 12-09-2008

God wish this method below is possible. No time left to make the ship needed by 2023. We have to hit it on other side before it hits the wormhole opening. A one way ticket for the crew.

At first, I assumed it could take quite awhile, but upon reflection, it will be virtually instantaneous; thus it will be double the transit time of 'ship' through wormhole to hitting A-M debt.

At that distance, almost directly over our orbit, our A-M debt is going almost, or so close to zero with respect to c as to be barely a difference, just above zero c with repesct to the surface.

Thus any acceleration from A-M debt being hit by our ship, and this would be in the meters per second range, would be enormous compared to the barely 'not nothing' difference from c as A-M debt decelerates to zero c at wormhole.

Since we are at the maximum distance allowed and still remain attached to an A-M debt as measured by difference from 'zero c'; then this meter plus per second acceleration rips our spirits off it.

Ergo, we get knocked on our behinds. I think it would be wise if we were all at least sitting down and not in a non automatic pilot conveyance.

That's my reasoning and assumptions. Lets drop the ship down the hole, pray it does not reappear, and see if I am right.

Prediction. Exactly how long in seconds until we feel being ripped off? That should be deducible = instantly, but it is us with our Planetary Spirit Line that holds it in its location by me(us). I doubt we would/can let go.

Generation Number = We started out as a 1 unit in circumference Moebius = 1st generation, by sub-dividing, we grew = kept doubling in circumference until our base universe is 'our' present size. Question, what is our generation number once you know how we sub-divide. Clue, watch cell division.

I explain my original reasoning and axioms in earlier writings.

Dan Alter

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:20 am; edited 1 time in total

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