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12-29-19 My Scientific Discoveries:
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: 12-29-19 My Scientific Discoveries:
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:55 pm

2019-12-29 edit

For the last three days I have been editing and rereading these topics.
Tying together all the basic forces from a common view measured with respect to c. Light is what we spirits use our bodies to see changes in our environment with. The identity for our perceptions base equation works like this: i.e. a change on one side is balanced by an equal and opposite change on the other side of the identity instantly by entanglement.

The discoveries below have all the clues needed to discover and write this Identity.

My Scientific Discoveries:
1. I started with refuting Coase's Theorem; "The Problem Of Social Cost" Journal of Law & Economics October 1960. His controversial conclusion that Strict Liability could be relaxed was loved by corporations.

2. This led to deducing "The Objective Measure of Value All Life Forms Must Use In a Conserved Universe". We are Own Time Cost Minimizers. We only have one unit of time alive per unit time as measured by c, the speed of light, which plugs us into e = mc^. When you take to long to get what you need to stay alive, you are dead.

3. Objective causal Premise for Grand Unification Theory. Since all scientific theories are created by a life form; then their objective measure of value must serve as the objective premise for a GUT theory.

4. This premise directly implied why our universe is based upon a Moebius geometry,

5. Ergo, in a conserved Moebius geometry universe we SPIRITS MUST create planetary A-M debts to move our life forms around,

6. The equation for the Maximum Surface Area of a Moebius Stip. MSA = 2Diameter^Phi

7. The geometric discovery of how to link 'e' to 'phi' on a circle = e|phi points; which in turn link all other physical constants together.

I stepped away from academic scientists when I learned they would cheat on what scientific purpose demands, the truth no matter how it offends "establishments". In my case, demonstrating why 'limiting liability' ALWAYS decreases the Q of G&S XCed is a demonstration that corporations do detest out of obvious self-interest. Once an academic(more than one) puts their "academic position" ahead of publishing proof of a natural law; I knew I was not dealing with scientists, just cheaters. But out of being extremely pissed, we got a wonderful result, the N1CL, our public place to exchange good information and ultimately identify the pseudo scientists who infest our present so called scientific establishments.

Not receiving credit is normal when the discovery costs establishments money and power. What their denial of credit to those who actually earned it really shows, is that we are NOT civilized. A civilized society seeks the truth, no matter what, and so do real scientists.

The question really is: When will our society publicly demand the truth as best they know it from those who report the News?

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:49 am; edited 8 times in total

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: Re: My Scientific Discoveries:
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:16 am

You need to edit this again.
"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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