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#1: Why 'Fire The Grid' link upper left on Page 2 Author: DanLocation: USA : Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:39 pm
[size=15] Thanks to those who participated in [url=//http://firethegrid.com/]Fire The Grid[/url]

I did not learn about Fire the Grid until January 2007. The Fire the Grid date/time fell exactly two sidereal years before the E-T's predicted date/time for our Sun explosion, July 16, 2009(2008 is a leap year), a very strong "coincidence", plus there are two more. First, July 17 is also the anniversary date/time of when the Barbary Castle crop circle was placed down [url=http://www.no1stcostlist.com/index.php?name=coppermine
&file=displayimage&meta=lastalb&cat=0&pos=0]Barbary Castle placed down on July 17, 1991 at 1:30 GMT[/url]; and Second, it is also the date/time to the minute of the first piece of the Shoemaker-Levy comet hitting Jupiter three sidereal years later on July 16, 1994(1992 was a leap year). My wife and I agreed to participate. We had a remarkable group of people committed to peace and saving Earth in the rain at 4:11 AM. We lit the pilot light.[/size]
Last edited by Dan on Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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