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---- Sep. 11, 2023 Since a Moebius is conserved, the forces instant Gravity(iG) and the Repulsive Force(RF) combine to ensure the two sides of the M surface maintain their 1/20,000 of total surface area M Edge Width distance between the two sides. The separation between the two inner sides of M surface is required to Maximize Surface area of an M. This Edge Width = 1/20,000 of 2 Diameter squared Phi, 2DDPhi is the equation for maximum surface area of any M, not counting edge width. When a large mass i.e. our A-M conservation debt is instantly released to go hit Alpha Centaurus; the dimple it creates on our M surface disappears, requiring the surface on our side of M surface to rise up the same distance. For the Asteroid the surface moves up with respect to Earth by 15,000 feet, maybe more almost instantly. The reason Earth does not move the same distance up is its inertial mass, it will rise but it takes many times longer. Does this mean there will not be any surface effects? NO! The wind vortex damage from Asteroid passage over Barbary Castle field starting at 15,000 feet will destroy Southern England and for a thousand miles into Europe from West to East. Summary: Conservation requires distance between inner sides of a Moebius is maintained. Hence remove large mass instantly from one side says opposite side rises up to conserve 1/20000 distance. All times are UTC |
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Proof E-Ts do secret business with USA govt. Sirius Disclosure Project Eyewitness evidence USA Govt. does face to face E-T contacts. e.g. Over 800 USA govt witnesses who swore publicly before Congress they dealt face to face with E-Ts. This climate url shows why much of our scientific establishment is corrupt. Why rising CO2 levels Can NOT cause global warming. Cimate Fraud Whistleblower Rewards Program These links deal directly with How to Prevent our Sun from exploding. How do we prevent our Sun from exploding July 16, 2024 How to find the two conjunction asteroids shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle. This math is required.
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