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#1: The most recent and relevant urls. Author: Dan, Location: USA
: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:08 am
Below are the most recent and relevant urls.
9-01-16 "A change to vastly increase the market value of WOUs (We Owe You)."
The Three Tests that Prove Date & Theory 5-15-17 are also explained in Summary & then What Must Be Done below.
3-22-17 How to determine where our Anti-Matter debt is located.
Updated 2-10-17 Einsteins Missed Implication: His TEST Shows Relativity's Frame of Reference To Us
Updated on 2-4-2017 Needed A-M debt Disconnection Tools, Measurements & Must Do's
1-24-17 Why did Obama's EPA secretly try to increase allowed radiation in our drinking water last December by thousands of times?
Obama actually thought we would not notice and so not ask WHY? Not funny.
Why we are of one mind.
1-15-17 The 65 ME Asteroids orbital radius and diameter calculator.
It determines which two asteroids were put into the unnatural conjunction shown in the ME circle.
The conjunction shows the exact date/time Earth is struck by the burning ray from the Sun,
heated up rapidly, then completely vaporized in the three step sequence shown in the
Barbary Castle, the first large complex circle.
1-23-17 First written 2009 Why we can stop Sun from exploding, theory and evidence.
12-17-16, rev. 12-21-16 Clarified FTL invention and base ToE premise in Using Zeros to count numbers in our present number system.
11-25-16 Added a Principle to: The Five Principles Governing A Scientist;s Behavior
10-16-16, added an invention on 11-15-16, The base premise for a Moebius universe ToE
-> n1cl-1 Dan Alter's forum
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