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2020-11-07 Detecting Where other Life Bearing Planets Are.
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Post subject: 2020-11-07 Detecting Where other Life Bearing Planets Are.
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:35 am |
Why Is Simple Revised 2020-11-07 shortened title, 7-19-17, written first on 8-6-2008. Written before I figured out that July 16, 2024 was the date.
Our conservation debt is made up of Anti-Matter(A-M) created by our spirits splitting off Hydrogen atoms from H2O in our bodies. These 'hydrogen atoms' are replaced in our brains with hydrogen atoms sucked from the Sun by our spirits.
This is accomplished like this: Visualize edge of spirit as a U shaped channel with an attraction force for A-M particles when initial split occurs in our brain. This U channel sends A-M particle to other side of Moebius universe surface by going between two sides M surface and passing under the Sun as it goes. Then attraction polarity of U channel is reversed to attract a plus hydrogen from center of Sun to send back a hydrogen atom to fill hole left in our brain by initial A-M particle sent. Thus maintaining local conservation on Earth.
This process is confirmed by Science News topic published around 2000: "Sun Burns anomalously" like it has a small black hole at its center. Two things are surprising about this, you now can't find the topic in the Science News archives; and when you ask a solar physicist about the small black hole they say of course.
Black holes in center of Suns don't stay small.
Right now I estimate the mass removed from the Sun to be at least 600 kilometers in diameter and probably much larger(7-19-17), judging by width of Ray from Sun in Barbary Castle). We have used up the Suns hydrogen fuel much faster than expected. Ergo, our Sun must die before its normal time by billions of years I expect. Assuming we disconnect our conservation debt, we will have to find a new home sooner rather than later. I expect we have hundreds or probably thousands of years to a few million, but we need to start looking now.
This was the original prediction. I refined it below the double lines.
I made this prediction on 7-31-08 and will revise in next comment. Prediction: Where Another Life Bearing Planet Might Be that any good amateur or professional astronomer with a good telescope can verify. (Revision in light of deducing that 'wormhole' to A-M debt stays open for whole year until July 16, 2009. I NOW PREDICT that the 'Star' described below will be found on the January 16, 2009 line constructed as described below. As you can see, I was already bracketing this predicted location unconsciously.)
Draw a line from center of Earth through sun on the plane of Earth's ecliptic on July 16, 2009 at 16:32:09 out two or three hundred light years. WE can verify exact time by using the conjunction of the two asteroids in Missing Earth crop circle. This line should hit a class M main sequence star like our sun that burns anomalously like our sun as if it had a small black hole at its center. If found, then bingo, we have a life bearing planet to jump to and we are "meant" to use it. I do not have to explain to any astronomer how unlikely seeing such a star is.
We can also extend the same line out from Earth away from the sun, and also do this one sidereal year earlier on this last July 16th. I consider those possibilities to be unlikely.
How to find other life bearing planets in any direction: We spirits suck ionized hydrogen(protons) out of center of Sun in order to replace the plus matter hydrogen we are sending to our conservation debt. "Sun Burns Anomalously" was the article head in Science News around 2000. The anomaly could be explained if there was a small black hole at the center of the Sun. So all we need to look for is main sequence stars that burn anomalously like our Sun.
How To Locate Life Bearing Star Systems: Should my above prediction about where a Life Bearing Planet is located be wrong, then here is how to look for other nearby ones: Use large telescopes to look for the anomalous spectra shifts exhibited by suns with life bearing planet(s). These spectral anomalies can only be explained when a "small black hole sits at the center of the Sun". Since black holes inside suns don't stay small for long, this measurement confirms that we spirits are sucking particles from the center of our Sun to maintain local conservation on Earth, We do this by replacing the A-M we are sending to our conservation debt with its brother plus particle from the Sun. This unique spectra of Suns with life bearing planets was the conclusive piece of evidence confirming we had a conservation debt made of Anti-Matter. From a Science News article "Sun burns anomalously" around 2000.
However, this prediction is looking in only one back n forth direction from Earth. Call it a hunch.
Prediction: Where Another Life Bearing Planet May Be that any good amateur or professional astronomer with a good telescope can verify.
Revised 8-11-2008 and 8-12-2008.
I think a premise explanation for the prediction is in order as most of you will not have read about the Premise elsewhere on this site:
We are very thin, very long in circumference, objectively real Moebius Strip Shaped Spirits that cut particles in two parts to create and move our life forms. We spirits unconsciously put The Cost = the Anti-Matter half of the split particle, on the other side of our very wide Moebius Strip shaped universe in our Conservation debt(notice a Moebius is a conserved surface with two sides.). In doing so we create a "cut line" between the two sides of our Moebius universe. More explanation below.
PREDICTION: I predict three possible dates within a one year range below. I think the most likely is January 16, 2009 using the procedure described in the below paragraph. I have added some definitions for those of you who are reading this topic before reading the scientific reasons and theory underlying it explained elsewhere on this site.
Draw a line from center of Earth through exact center of our sun on the plane of Earth's ecliptic on July 16, 2009 at 16:32:09 out two or three hundred light years. We can verify the exact time by using the conjunction of the two asteroids in Missing Earth crop circle called Longwood-Warren. This line should hit a class M main sequence star like our sun that burns anomalously like our sun as if it had a small black hole at its center. If found, then bingo, we have a life bearing planet to jump to and we are "meant" to use it. I do not have to explain to any astronomer how unlikely seeing such a star is.
2. We can also extend the same line out from Earth away from the sun.
3. Also do this one sidereal year earlier on this last July 16th in both directions.(Sidereal = the exact amount of time it takes Earth to orbit the Sun = 365 d 6 h 9 min 9.7676 s.)
4. Do this on January 16, 2009 exactly 1/2 sidereal year before July 16, 2006 at 16:42:09 UT. In thinking about the fact we can disconnect our A-M debt on January 16, 2009; it seemed reasonable to look right down the middle.
This last possibility seems most likely as should we disconnect on January 16, 2009, then a planet should be behind us on this "cut line" that the Earth is now cutting through the two sides of our Moebius universe's surface with our planetary spirit line that runs between Earth and our A-M debt.
CONCLUSIONS: Should we see a planet on one of these three possible "cut line" lines, then either all life bearing planets are on it(contradicted by the fact that Long Term Gamma Blasters come from all over the sky); OR we are on our 'universes' replication cut line. Apriori, a low probability event; which would make us "special"; so to speak.
"Long Term Gamma Blasters" Gamma rays are the radiation signature for A-M/Plus matter explosions. 100% matter to energy conversion = big big boom. After I read about them in the January 17, 1994 science section of the New York Times, I called the astrophysicists involved with the Compton telescope they used to see these explosions. My first question was; "How does their frequency vary with duration?". They answered; "The longer they last, the more powerful they are, the longer they last." Bingo!; only a local conservation violation could make that characteristic possible. In a conserved universe, the bigger things are, the fewer you must see, by definition. You start with one unit of everything, there can only be two 1/2 size pieces and so on.
"Spirits" We life forms are created and moved around by very long, very thin Moebius Strip shaped spirits that have a U shaped channel on their cutting edge that sucks in a A-M particle left from cutting a Plus Particle in two. When it sends this A-M particle to the A-M side of a Moebius universe's surface; then its attraction polarity changes to Plus particles. Thus when a A-M particle passes under the Sun, the spirit now sucks a Plus particle from inside the Sun, returning it to the 'hole' left by the A-M particle sent to the other side. Ergo, local conservation on earth is maintained.
The immediate cost is that the Sun burns anomalously and must begin to flicker out late in this process as the nuclear fuel at its core has been removed faster than would otherwise be expected. For example, absolutely no sun spots right now when we are supposed to be near a sun spot maximum.
"Sun Burns Anomalously" in Science News around 2000. The article stated that the Sun burned as if it had a small Black Hole at its center. Black holes at the center of Suns do not stay small for long.
"Cut line" Our planetary spirit line(PSL) runs physically between the two sides of our Moebius universe to our A-M debt.
"Planetary Spirit Line": It is analogous to a wire bundle of all of the large old Moebius spirits operating life forms on a Life Bearing Planet. It goes between the planet and its A-M conservation debt.
The PSL has three main functions:
a. It carries A-M particles from life form to A-M debt on other side Moebius universe's surface;
b. It physically prevents anything from going behind us in time;
c. It does the Universe's "replication cut Line", which takes at least eight planetary A-M debt disconnections, or having planets lined up in sequence just behind the planet that fries on the universe's "cut line" to carry on the universe's replication cut.
Ergo, you can see I am positing that the universe is also a living Moebius that is trying to replicate itself as we do. Not a big surprise.
Enough for now, more detail in other articles.
_________________ "I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."
Last edited by Dan on Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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