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Thanks & Acknowledgements
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: Thanks & Acknowledgements
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:31 am

As always no one achieves alone. I would not be here without the help and encouragement of many people, so for those I forget, space and memory are limited; but my thanks are from the heart to all of you.

Margaret, my wife and co-inventor of the No 1st Cost List. I would not be alive without her. I am truly a single minded pinhead show & tell scientist, and while I have increased my help around the house by an order of magnitude, I can be a trial occasionally.

Ronald Coase for asking his wonderful question in "The Problem of Social Cost". He spent two separate long afternoons with me in Chicago and we argued and discussed what his "Problem of Social Cost" Journal of Law & Economics October 1960 meant. He well deserved his 1991 Nobel in Economics.

Daniel Benjamin An asst Prof. in Economics at the U of Washington who helped me with my Elevator Operator paper and corrected my many attempts to show Coase's error in 1976.

Willis Konick, Professor of Comparative Literature Univ. of Washington. He looked me up and met with me for a quarter, and then gave me two As in the 10 hours of incompletes I needed to finish my BA economics UW 1980. I had left school in Spring quarter 1976 because Coase's question was driving me wild.

Yoram Barzel, Prof of Economics UW. He told me I was right in 1984 when I finally figured out Coase's error. He was my grad student teacher and adviser in 1980. He listened and encouraged me to persist with Coase.

Gerard Hawkins geometrician extraordinaire whose article "Geometric Harvest" Feb. 1, 1992 Science News enabled me to confirm my prediction we had a conservation debt made of A-M. During our conversation on February 10, 1992 he answered my mathematical questions about his showing the Barbary Castle crop circle was an elegant proof of a geometric theorem never before published on Earth. Late in our conversation after I explained my 'thought experiment' to him I suddenly realized what the BC circle pictured.

Busty Taylor for taking the BC circle picture and selling me the rights to use it for $25 in 1992. We met a few years later in Seattle and he was very knowledgeable about the circles.

David Jacobs, Prof. oh History Temple Univ. for his books and work on E-T abductions. Our phone discussions were most helpful.

The five Astro-Physicists mentioned in the January 17, 1993 New York Times article on Long Term Gamma Blasters for each taking the time to talk with me about Gamma Ray Blasters and my theory. After I talked with them the term Long Term Gamma Blaster was never seen in public again.

Jack Lee, Chair Math dept UW for testing my equation for the maximum surface area for a Moebius with fixed circumference. Literally back within four hours. Being off by a 1/10,000th gave me the clue I needed to deduce the width between the two sides of a Moebius surface.

There are many others too numerous to mention. Most of your names I can not remember or never knew, but you helped me by listening and letting me show you what I had discovered. I have shown literally tens of thousands of you face to face, on the phone, or radio what "objective measure of personal value" you use = own time cost minimizer.

I averaged 3 to 5 strangers a day from 1985 to 1990. I stopped when I started hearing my phrases on the radio and TV, especially minimization words. You asked questions, you gave directions, or gave people to call, pointed out implications, etc and so Thanks again.

My last and greatest Thanks, and this is not meant sarcastically, go to the scientists and academics, some listed above, most not, who did not help me get public credit, or who censored or are censoring data, or who blocked publication. Anger drove us to invent the No 1st Cost List because you were not doing science properly. In retrospect, it is the best thing that could have happened to me, for us, and for improving the practice of public science.

For example, the elimination of the term "Long Term Gamma Blasters" from scientific papers could only have been controlled from the top down. There are more examples but they are not for this page of Thanks & Acknowledgments and my thanks are meant from my heart.

Those five Gamma Blaster Astro-Physicists did listen for well over an hour on the phone each. They did understand enough to not want to create public panic and fear over something they thought could not be prevented, if true. Unconscious own cost minimization in action.

However, with a No 1st Cost List now built as a result of the No Credit given, we have no more time for scientific censorship. Our disagreements must be brought into the open.

The advance of science depends upon giving credit where credit is due, especially to the young ones.

Dan Alter

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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