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List of 500 largest asteroids with no TNOs.
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: List of 500 largest asteroids with no TNOs.
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:35 am

Andrew Brown on space.com provided this list.

List of 500 largest asteroids, in reply to an inquiry on MPML.
Derived from the PDS list of asteroids measured by IRAS, and
includes no TNOs. Diameters are in kilometers.

1 Ceres 913.
2 Pallas 523.
4 Vesta 501.
10 Hygiea 429.
511 Davida 337.
704 Interamnia 333.
52 Europa 312.
15 Eunomia 272.
87 Sylvia 271.
16 Psyche 264.
31 Euphrosyne 248.
65 Cybele 245.
3 Juno 244.
324 Bamberga 242.
107 Camilla 237.
532 Herculina 231.
451 Patientia 230.
48 Doris 225.
29 Amphitrite 219.
121 Hermione 217.
423 Diotima 217.
13 Egeria 215.
45 Eugenia 214.
94 Aurora 212.
7 Iris 203.
702 Alauda 202.
372 Palma 195.
128 Nemesis 194.
154 Bertha 192.
6 Hebe 192.
76 Freia 190.
130 Elektra 189.
22 Kalliope 187.
259 Aletheia 185.
41 Daphne 182.
747 Winchester 178.
120 Lachesis 178.
790 Pretoria 176.
911 Agamemnon 175.
153 Hilda 175.
566 Stereoskopia 175.
194 Prokne 174.
96 Aegle 174.
59 Elpis 173.
386 Siegena 173.
1437 Diomedes 171.
54 Alexandra 171.
334 Chicago 170.
444 Gyptis 170.
241 Germania 169.
409 Aspasia 168.
185 Eunike 165.
354 Eleonora 162.
139 Juewa 162.
11 Parthenope 162.
804 Hispania 161.
165 Loreley 160.
173 Ino 159.
89 Julia 159.
39 Laetitia 159.
536 Merapi 158.
488 Kreusa 158.
85 Io 157.
150 Nuwa 157.
238 Hypatia 156.
145 Adeona 155.
117 Lomia 154.
49 Pales 154.
168 Sibylla 154.
51 Nemausa 153.
106 Dione 152.
1172 Žneas 151.
20 Massalia 151.
283 Emma 150.
137 Meliboea 150.
209 Dido 149.
361 Bononia 149.
617 Patroclus 149.
308 Polyxo 148.
211 Isolda 148.
18 Melpomene 148.
508 Princetonia 147.
588 Achilles 147.
895 Helio 147.
196 Philomela 146.
93 Minerva 146.
420 Bertholda 146.
144 Vibilia 146.
95 Arethusa 145.
489 Comacina 144.
69 Hesperia 143.
349 Dembowska 143.
762 Pulcova 142.
268 Adorea 142.
8 Flora 141.
216 Kleopatra 140.
690 Wratislavia 140.
212 Medea 140.
471 Papagena 139.
705 Erminia 139.
111 Ate 139.
344 Desiderata 138.
247 Eukrate 137.
147 Protogeneia 137.
146 Lucina 137.
356 Liguria 135.
187 Lamberta 135.
279 Thule 135.
141 Lumen 135.
1173 Anchises 135.
1143 Odysseus 135.
426 Hippo 134.
47 Aglaja 133.
419 Aurelia 133.
712 Boliviana 132.
200 Dynamene 132.
92 Undina 132.
654 Zelinda 132.
46 Hestia 131.
1867 Deiphobus 131.
159 Aemilia 131.
602 Marianna 130.
405 Thia 129.
469 Argentina 129.
410 Chloris 128.
70 Panopaea 127.
104 Klymene 127.
86 Semele 127.
276 Adelheid 127.
3317 Paris 127.
68 Leto 127.
156 Xanthippe 126.
28 Bellona 126.
5 Astraea 125.
3063 Makhaon 125.
78 Diana 125.
176 Iduna 125.
90 Antiope 125.
129 Antigone 125.
81 Terpsichore 124.
618 Elfriede 124.
225 Henrietta 124.
381 Myrrha 124.
74 Galatea 123.
772 Tanete 123.
2797 Teucer 123.
2241 Alcathous 123.
350 Ornamenta 123.
105 Artemis 123.
2920 Automedon 123.
134 Sophrosyne 122.
476 Hedwig 121.
466 Tisiphone 121.
490 Veritas 121.
171 Ophelia 121.
275 Sapientia 121.
360 Carlova 121.
521 Brixia 121.
909 Ulla 120.
38 Leda 120.
388 Charybdis 120.
203 Pompeja 120.
1093 Freda 120.
328 Gudrun 120.
53 Kalypso 119.
34 Circe 118.
596 Scheila 117.
56 Melete 117.
12 Victoria 117.
57 Mnemosyne 116.
814 Tauris 116.
481 Emita 116.
683 Lanzia 116.
545 Messalina 115.
1749 Telamon 115.
659 Nestor 115.
751 Fa‹na 115.
140 Siwa 114.
595 Polyxena 114.
91 Aegina 114.
266 Aline 113.
230 Athamantis 113.
522 Helga 113.
1467 Mashona 112.
37 Fides 112.
40 Harmonia 111.
23 Thalia 111.
1208 Troilus 111.
365 Corduba 110.
739 Mandeville 110.
357 Ninina 110.
221 Eos 110.
164 Eva 110.
346 Hermentaria 110.
514 Armida 110.
506 Marion 109.
1269 Rollandia 109.
98 Ianthe 109.
713 Luscinia 109.
788 Hohensteina 109.
1583 Antilochus 109.
36 Atalante 109.
35 Leukothea 108.
240 Vanadis 108.
233 Asterope 108.
63 Ausonia 108.
748 Sime‹sa 107.
175 Andromache 107.
791 Ani 107.
192 Nausikaa 107.
181 Eucharis 107.
42 Isis 107.
393 Lampetia 106.
570 Kythera 106.
387 Aquitania 106.
191 Kolga 105.
162 Laurentia 105.
2223 Sarpedon 105.
663 Gerlinde 104.
30 Urania 104.
1390 Abastumani 104.
626 Notburga 104.
148 Gallia 104.
401 Ottilia 103.
1021 Flammario 103.
114 Kassandra 103.
2456 Palamedes 103.
303 Josephina 103.
2357 Phereclos 103.
769 Tatjana 102.
2674 Pandarus 102.
1902 Shaposhnikov 101.
260 Huberta 101.
1015 Christa 101.
313 Chaldaea 101.
404 Arsino‰ 101.
674 Rachele 101.
491 Carina 101.
326 Tamara 100.
635 Vundtia 100.
345 Tercidina 100.
373 Melusina 99.6
709 Fringilla 99.6
21 Lutetia 99.5
62 Erato 99.3
773 Irmintraud 99.1
26 Proserpina 98.7
554 Peraga 98.5
366 Vincentina 98.1
58 Concordia 97.7
431 Nephele 97.7
407 Arachne 97.6
1268 Libya 97.5
780 Armenia 97.1
567 Eleutheria 97.0
286 Iclea 96.5
379 Huenna 96.1
229 Adelinda 96.0
517 Edith 95.5
1177 Gonnessia 95.5
103 Hera 95.2
740 Cantabia 94.5
377 Campania 94.5
385 Ilmatar 94.1
335 Roberta 93.6
412 Elisabetha 93.3
886 Washingtonia 93.3
17 Thetis 93.2
786 Bredichina 93.2
143 Adria 92.8
2893 Peiroos 92.8
694 Ekard 92.7
691 Lehigh 92.6
2207 Antenor 92.6
589 Croatia 92.5
1404 Ajax 92.0
100 Hekate 92.0
733 Mocia 92.0
358 Apollonia 91.8
2363 Cebriones 91.7
866 Fatme 91.7
109 Felicitas 91.6
223 Rosa 90.7
1212 Francette 90.7
424 Gratia 90.5
236 Honoria 90.5
227 Philosophia 90.1
1512 Oulu 90.0
784 Pickeringia 90.0
210 Isabella 90.0
445 Edna 89.8
568 Cheruskia 89.7
195 Eurykleia 89.7
579 Sidonia 89.6
416 Vaticana 89.5
72 Feronia 89.3
530 Turandot 89.3
110 Lydia 89.1
494 Virtus 89.1
754 Malabar 89.1
980 Anacostia 89.0
1303 Luthera 88.8
449 Hamburga 88.6
348 May 88.3
924 Toni 87.6
455 Bruchsalia 87.5
71 Niobe 87.3
97 Klotho 87.1
576 Emanuela 86.8
680 Genoveva 86.7
912 Maritima 86.6
976 Benjamina 86.6
758 Mancunia 86.5
122 Gerda 86.5
528 Rezia 86.2
1241 Dysona 86.2
499 Venusia 86.0
102 Miriam 86.0
583 Klotilde 86.0
250 Bettina 85.5
202 Chryse‹s 85.5
231 Vindobona 85.1
2260 Neoptolemus 85.0
586 Thekla 85.0
160 Una 85.0
640 Brambilla 84.8
498 Tokio 84.8
245 Vera 84.8
213 Lilaea 84.6
850 Altona 84.5
952 Caia 84.5
454 Mathesis 84.5
83 Beatrix 84.2
61 Dana‰ 83.6
205 Martha 83.5
115 Thyra 83.5
667 Denise 83.5
84 Klio 83.0
1911 Schubart 83.0
32 Pomona 82.6
721 Tabora 82.6
1754 Cunningham 82.6
676 Melitta 82.6
978 Aidamina 82.5
697 Galilea 82.5
135 Hertha 82.0
447 Valentine 82.0
478 Tergeste 82.0
613 Ginevra 82.0
80 Sappho 81.7
389 Industria 81.6
333 Badenia 81.5
551 Ortrud 81.2
1107 Lictoria 81.0
552 Sigelinde 81.0
179 Klytaemnestra 81.0
1118 Hanskya 80.7
329 Svea 80.5
501 Urhixidur 80.1
415 Palatia 80.1
559 Nanon 80.0
411 Xanthe 79.6
503 Evelyn 79.5
124 Alkeste 79.5
696 Leonora 79.3
439 Ohio 79.3
1345 Potomac 79.3
300 Geraldina 79.1
972 Cohnia 79.0
914 Palisana 79.0
795 Fini 78.7
734 Benda 78.6
331 Etheridgea 78.5
892 Seeligeria 78.5
1001 Gaussia 78.3
636 Erika 78.3
66 Maja 78.3
25 Phocaea 78.2
893 Leopoldina 78.2
593 Titania 78.2
1256 Normannia 78.0
325 Heidelberga 78.0
1031 Arctica 78.0
538 Friederike 77.8
1264 Letaba 77.5
479 Caprera 77.5
859 Bouzar‚ah 77.5
983 Gunila 77.3
735 Marghanna 77.0
535 Montague 77.0
1042 Amazone 76.7
957 Camelia 76.6
465 Alekto 76.6
1004 Belopolskya 76.6
718 Erida 76.5
1796 Riga 76.5
464 Megaira 76.5
163 Erigone 76.5
1028 Lydina 76.3
380 Fiducia 76.3
643 Scheherezade 76.1
601 Nerthus 76.0
1266 Tone 76.0
516 Amherstia 75.7
569 Misa 75.6
112 Iphigenia 75.5
1243 Pamela 75.5
746 Marlu 75.5
116 Sirona 75.5
177 Irma 75.3
414 Liriope 75.2
760 Massinga 74.8
598 Octavia 74.7
639 Latona 74.5
368 Haidea 74.5
524 Fidelio 74.1
1424 Sundmania 74.0
322 Phaeo 73.8
756 Lilliana 73.8
1171 Rusthawelia 73.6
257 Silesia 73.5
483 Seppina 73.5
2759 Idomeneus 73.3
44 Nysa 73.3
319 Leona 73.3
441 Bathilde 73.2
805 Hormuthia 73.0
547 Praxedis 73.0
779 Nina 72.7
1048 Feodosia 72.5
1085 Amaryllis 72.3
252 Clementina 72.1
605 Juvisia 72.0
1647 Menelaus 72.0
943 Begonia 72.0
336 Lacadiera 72.0
174 Phaedra 71.7
468 Lina 71.7
578 Happelia 71.6
1115 Sabauda 71.1
1567 Alikoski 71.0
949 Hel 71.0
77 Frigga 71.0
648 Pippa 70.5
1086 Nata 70.5
201 Penelope 70.5
429 Lotis 70.3
861 A‹da 70.1
133 Cyrene 70.1
287 Nephthys 70.1
927 Ratisbona 70.0
928 Hildrun 69.7
546 Herodias 69.7
599 Luisa 69.6
1306 Scythia 69.5
1109 Tata 69.5
834 Burnhamia 69.2
634 Ute 69.1
693 Zerbinetta 69.1
1167 Dubiago 69.0
79 Eurynome 68.8
777 Gutemberga 68.7
1051 Merope 68.6
304 Olga 68.5
101 Helena 68.3
184 Dejopeja 68.2
485 Genua 68.2
1558 J„rnefelt 68.1
638 Moira 68.0
258 Tyche 67.7
442 Eichsfeldia 67.5
55 Pandora 67.5
778 Theobalda 67.3
1356 Nyanza 67.2
108 Hecuba 67.2
581 Tauntonia 67.1
1351 Uzbekistania 67.1
977 Philippa 67.0
425 Cornelia 66.8
971 Alsatia 66.7
1202 Marina 66.3
1712 Angola 66.2
844 Leontina 66.1
256 Walpurga 66.1
1297 Quadea 66.0
1735 ITA 66.0
907 Rhoda 65.8
752 Sulamitis 65.7
903 Nealley 65.7
607 Jenny 65.5
1315 Bronislawa 65.5
1030 Vitja 65.5
604 Tekmessa 65.3
43 Ariadne 65.3
806 Gyldenia 65.2
342 Endymion 65.0
738 Alagasta 64.8
1873 Agenor 64.8
392 Wilhelmina 64.6
172 Baucis 64.5

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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