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Affecting Earth revised 5-31-18, E-T Warning Message Summary

5-31-18 In finally deciphering the E-T warning message, I always assumed the minimum time till vaporization, e.g, I started by assuming six years from the time the Barbary Castle was put down. Then with the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet establishing that the E-T's unit of time was three years, I thought maybe 18 or 21 years from the time BC circle was placed down. I was wrong on the countdown start date.

With the Missing Earth showing July 17, 2003 I was flummoxed. I had used Red Shift 5 confirmed by the UW Astronomy Dept. to determine that the positions of the three remaining planets in the Missing Earth circle showed 7-17-2003. On July 15, 2012 I realized that 7-17-2003 was the start of the 21 sidereal year countdown to July 16, 2024. I almost collapsed with relief. Now there was time to figure out FTL travel and What Must Be Done.

This message from E-Ts uses the standard three part form of explanation. Tell them, tell them, tell them.

The three parts say:

"Earth is going to be completely vaporized on July 16, 2024 at 16:32 UTC after its conservation debt of Anti-Matter strikes the Sun."

Part I. Tell them what this is about = Thesis = Barbary Castle crop circle placed down at 1:35 UTC. July 17. 1991 in England showing Earth will be vaporized in seven units of time;
Part II. Tell them your time unit by showing an example of an Earth sized planet's destruction, i.e. Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet striking Jupiter on July 16, 1994 at 20:13 UTC exactly three sidereal Earth years after the Barbary was put down;
Part III. Conclusion = Tell them by summarizing what you just said = the Missing Earth crop circle which in part shows exactly when the event starts 33 years later, i.e. the date shown by the remaining three planets in the Missing Earth, July 17, 2003 shows when the 3 years x 7 = 21 year countdown to our vaporization starts.

I concluded about 6-1-2013 the E-T warning message is complete after much wishing for another part. As usual, my understanding was incomplete. The E-T message is clear, elegant, and I am sure polished by many repetitions. We have been given the minimum chance to grow up. Of necessity, the E-Ts will do no more.

Part I. Tell them what is going to happen in 7 units of time = part 1. = Barbary Castle crop circle placed down on July 17, 1991 at 1:35 UTC ln England.

Part II. Establish time unit used and show them a real world example of an Earth sized planet's destruction: Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet. The first impact occurred at 20:00 UT on July 16, 1994 as seen from Earth, exactly to the minute three sidereal years after the Barbary Castle hit the ground. S-L 9 is an 'objective' adjective, not a symbol.

Part III, show the final result. Show them a picture of the outcome and where to look to see exactly when Earth's vaporization starts to the micro second = the conjunction in the "Missing Earth" crop circle placed down on the evening of June 25, 1995.

This 'non natural' asteroid conjunction should show us exactly when Earth is struck by the ray From the Sun as shown in the Barbary Castle crop circle placed down on July 17, 1991 at 1:35 UTC ln England.
Or less likely, when our Anti-Matter conservation debt arrives on Earths orbit moving at half the speed of light, then hitting the Sun on the way to Earth.

How can we tell between the two possibilities? Determine which 65 asteroids are shown in the "Missing Earth". The 65 asteroid's orbital radius and diameter calculator.

Actually simple. The Missing Earth circle shows Earth gone. The Barbary Castle circle shows us what happens starting when Earth is struck by a lance of Gamma Rays generated from our Anti-Matter debt striking the Sun and our subsequent sequence of vaporization. Ergo, the first two possibilities are accounted for with the BC circle.

Thus most likely: the asteroid conjunction shows exactly when the Earth is struck by the ray from our Anti-Matter debts strikes the Sun, thus the conjunction lines up exactly where the Earth is when first struck on its orbit.

(9-23-12) The ME could be showing that the conjunction is to occur July 16, 2024. I figured out a way that made sense when you do a head to toe mirror look at ME, i.e. from South Heliocentric view = clockwise like the Barbary Castle turns = seven 3 unit/hour/Earth years jumps around the clock finishes at your 9 o'clock. Remember E-Ts are using units of 3 Earth years as shown by Shoemaker-Levy 9. This doesn't change the message, just means we have to establish exactly when.)

There are seven repetitions of the July 16/17 Earth sidereal year anniversary date to the second in this message starting with the:

1. Barbary Castle crop circle Put down July 17, 1991 at 1:45 AM, two pairs of eyewitnesses.
The BC circle says, "Earth will to be vaporized by ray from Sun in Seven units of time." = Tell them what it is all about.

2. Shoemaker-Levy 9 first impact an July 16, 1994 at 20:13 UTC as seen from Earth, exactly three sidereal Earth years after the BC circle hit the ground. Show them an example of what is going to happen = total destruction; AND establish their unit of time = three Earth sidereal years.

3. Show the ultimate result: Missing Earth crop circle(Longwood-Warren) It was seen morning of June 26, 1995. It has three July 16/17th sidereal anniversary dates in it.
a. Positions of remaining three planets = July 17, 2003 = the clock starts counting from when Earth is first struck by the ray from the Sun, then the sequence in the BC circle ends when Earth is completely vaporized.
b. Positions of 65 asteroids = July 16, 2024
c. The conjunction of two of the asteroids is at our 9 o'clock when BC and ME overlapped as described above.

4. About 6-1-13 I deduced why the 9 o'clock = start of event. The asteroid conjunction establishes exactly when to the microsecond by showing when Earth is first stuck center to center with the one spoke circle in the Barbary Castle.

Leading up to that we can deduce The Tick, or the appearance through a 'wormhole' on Earth's orbit at .5 c, the speed of light. The conjunction of two asteroids is on July 16, 2024 about 26 minutes & 30 seconds after our AM debt appears.

This conjunction shows the July 16, 2024 anniversary of the BC circle hitting the ground using the nine o'clock of our North Heliocentric view of our solar system.

The first three parts of message are on the public record. This conjunction did not occur naturally, it was caused and certainly not by us. We need a start time, the exact where/when our A-M Debt arrives on earth's orbit, and I conclude the asteroid conjunction shows us just that.

Ergo, we have been warned by E-Ts, so do we need a Part IV, a last crop circle?? Should the conjunction show before July 16, 2024 at 16:32 UTC by 1500 seconds plus, the answer must be no.

Thus the E-T message is complete, they have given us all the information needed.

1. Astronomers start looking for the conjunction. The 65 asteroid's orbital radius and diameter calculator.

2. Physicists do the three Gravity tests and verify G to c relationship.

Conclusions With these confirmations we can do local FTL and see when Fixed Ray of our Planetary Spirit Line jumps confirming the time shown by asteroid conjunction.

Posted by Dan 2009-11-14 03:47:28
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