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Dan: 31-May-2009 22:56:48
The real question for out Story: "Outsiders(E- Ts) warn us, but why with ritual hieroglyphs? ". According to the abductees and ex-military witnesses who say our government talks with them, which means they understand and can speak English. I can understand them not wanting to waste the meat and our genes if there is no hope for us; so why the warning circles and Shoemaker-Levy comet? Remember an abductee says, "You don't have the right to do this to me.", answer; "Yes we do.". Ergo, they are ethical and WE ARE NOT. We by inspection, have no agreed upon public standard of morality, ethics, right and wrong, and we are constantly murdering one another to prove we don't. Hence my demonstrating why Coase's Theorem was mistaken is the key, as my demonstration showed what moral code we must enforce between us to maximize the Q of G&S XCed = "objective moral code and why.". Ergo, we are owed a third crop circle warning. They can not tell us what to do, we have to figure this out for ourselves.

Dan: 31-May-2009 06:36:56
Warnings come in threes. The E-Ts last crop circle warning, it has to be a humdinger, at least 600' plus across. I had always wondered about Missing Earth circle being seen June 26th, 22 days before July 17, 1995. It did not fit with the sidereal anniversary date of the Barbary Castle being placed down, but with leap years, the third warning circle appearing on June 26, 2009 is exactly 21 days before = 3 weeks before July 16, 2009 and the E-Ts like 3 a lot.

Dan: 30-May-2009 19:11:29
Will we be awakened by my final prediction that the E-Ts will put down the third & last warning crop circle on June 26th? I expect a combination of the Barbary Castle plus Missing Earth & Jupiter showing Shoemaker-Levy striking it. Maybe S-L Jupiter and Jupiter on July 16th. Positions of all planets should show July 16th date except S-L Jupiter. To be continued below.

Dan: 30-May-2009 09:06:16
The ?; "Why the ritual hierglyphs by the E-Ts? The answer is they want us to publicly agree to be ethical. They can not tell to, we have to fugure it out for ourselves. They are forcing the question upon us. We agree to seek the truth in public or all die. A perfectly sensible position to take on there part and mine

Dan: 29-May-2009 08:55:33
The actual mechanics of disconnecting our A-M conservtion debt is the easy part now. We hit the Wormhole opening at the appointed time and drop the two blinkships. It will work or it won't. We are stuck with my deductions of how this works. It would be nice to be able to ask the E-Ts, but I suspect they will not or can not help with the exact details, probably can not. Disconnections are rare. The details are persnickity. Anywasy, I sure would like the E-Ts to answer some of my questions.

Dan: 28-May-2009 06:07:58
The lack of feedback is hard; but in writing the final 'story' and having to go through my many versions, I find myself getting surly. I just realized I hate what the story says as much as everyone else. Summing up chronologically how I figured it out has been quite uncomfortable. It sure would be nice if the E-Ts were lying about the date in the ME crop circle.

Dan: 26-May-2009 09:43:32
I changed my mind on my hypothesis below. The E-Ts do know how to do a disconnect and they are very ethically trying to wake us up to the realities of creating, maintaining, and expanding life in our universe. It is always best to start with a wrong prediction, when you change it, you have a much better idea of why you are right.

Dan: 25-May-2009 19:02:45
My first gut feeling back in 1992 about whether or not the E=Ts knew how to do a disconnection was NO! I argued with myself about that, but always came back to that feeling. They are using ritual hieroglyphs Since doing a 'disconnect' is so rare, why would they remember, how could they remember? They do know it can be done, but its details are so persnickity, actually having the precise recipe handed down for millenia, or literally millions of years seems unlikely. . Second problem, even after saving a planet from its A-M debt, it does not have long to live. Sucking out that volume of hydrogen from the center of a sun implies it must be much further along its Main sequence progression than normal. I don't know how long Earth would have, but I suspect thousands, not millions of years.

Dan: 22-May-2009 13:35:38
Nailed the basic geometric relationship between "Where I sit" and the Whole of our Moebius geometry universe. We have navigation. Now all I have to do is describe what objective measurements verifies, "How we measure where we are at", with respect to the Bowtie point(axis) of our Moebius geometry universe. An observation confirms an imagination.

Dan: 22-May-2009 10:08:05
I wonder when I will get my first question from a stranger. I'd say the over and under is 30 days to go. One of you will flinch because I am not going away.

Dan: 22-May-2009 10:05:19
Last night saw base relationship that defines Moebius eq. You need to mirror the here where you(I) sit to the whole and then define this relationship, e.g. like similar triangles where one is small(where you sit) and the other is large = circle based geometry universe w respect to Bowtie point of M. Further one must precisely describe the propeties and strength of the Repulsive force that is causing our universe to expand at an increasing rate. Luckily, i discovered all of those properties some time ago and now I can relate them to h & h-bar using the radius of any circle. Now my alligator mouth had better spit out that equation shortly.

Dan: 22-May-2009 09:50:20
todo: Set up investment page. Since WOU units are loans to List repaid by 5% of stipulated gross revenues in perpetuity, is it called an investment or a loan?

Dan: 22-May-2009 09:48:47
Yetch! I put in propeller submission and leave in an extra No 1st Cost List. Oh well, thats what rushing gets you.

Dan: 21-May-2009 11:21:39
From here on, I will write a headline = topic title here, put either in my forum or community forums and then put Topic Title as headline at top Q&A. We can start with the torture consequence topic.

Dan: 19-May-2009 22:03:37
As a scientist raised a Catholic(left when I was 14), I have always had trouble with the word 'faith'. Definition: Faith is the substance of hope a. "Substance: Lit. Greek: "a standing under". As a scientist I have faith that the universe is causally ordered. My theory literally rests upon the premise of a 'First Causal Action", an act of creation. Everything I have learned in my now 34 years of doing science has confirmed our universe is 'rational';, but also vast and strange in some ways beyond imagination. So I conclude I do have faith that the rest of you will decide to act and help save our planet. How else could it be?, only the Perils of Pauline suffice for this situation.

Dan: 19-May-2009 21:50:01
Should we fry, I confess curiosity as to where our spirits will be ejected to in the universe. The analogue to a seed pod bursting is hard to resist. You people who claim to be Christians should be glad to know you really have a objectively real soul that does live on between lives. Christ had one basic message, "Talks cheap, deeds speak." James 2:16 to 26. "Faith is not justified by words alone, a faith without deeds is dead.". Judging by the certain reasonably high percentage of self proclaimed Christians who have read this warning, there are a lot of people with a dead faith.

Dan: 19-May-2009 21:35:31
Saying "progress"; feels better. I have been belly aching about my lack of feedback. I must admit, while the deduction that we 'spirits' must create a conservation debt in order to trot bodies around is slick, I could really handle no Sun explosion this July 16th. But unless the E-Ts are lying about the date, or going to save us because we are so sweet(why the crop circle warning ritual then?, and we are not sweet), then the published scientific evidence conclusively confirms the prediction.

Dan: 19-May-2009 21:25:56
Better description of what I am trying to do: "See Message Tree for my comments on progress in getting help to prevent our "conservation debt made of Anti-Matter(A-M)&q uot; from hitting Sun.".

Dan: 19-May-2009 11:13:35
"comments on our situation.". From where I sit, the no feedback, the no questions has been the hardest part for me. Science is a communal endeavour. It takes at least two of us to make it work. Objective facts are facts we each agree we see. An agreement is a social contract. I do not know how many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of you know about this A-M debt prediction, but not biting the bullet and confronting this danger as free willed spirits means Earth dies and almost all of us with it, as apparently the E-Ts will take a few of us with them when the last ones leave. Some of the E-Ts, of course, must help us when asked. The Disclosure Project is a reputable organization which has witnesses who will swear our government has been in secret contact with some of the E-T races since at least 1954. The E-Ts act towards us like we would treat ignorant savages. I am in the process of asking these organizations and people who claim they have proof of our governments E-T contacts to help. We will see.

Dan: 18-May-2009 07:26:00
A scientist lives off of the "fallacy of the excluded middle". Existing theories are always incomplete. It usually takes many years before you find the 'discrepancies' in a good theory. We need to speed up the process.

Dan: 18-May-2009 01:06:17
Its funny, my job as a scientist is to use my wrong predictions to make theories better. Ergo, observe a little, guess a hypothesis, and throw some s--- up on the wall and measure what sticks. I am an inveterate predictor. But for my Sun Explodes prediction I never once asked any obvious questions like, "What would be the radiation signature of these explosions?". Didn't matter, the data always jumped up and bit me on the end of the nose and I would say, 'Oh s---, I didn't want to know that." I always wanted dis-confirming data. Anyway I call this list of evidence my 'Oh s--- list.". Recapitulating this story of discovery and confirmation has been uncomfortable for me. I am almost up to the Maraschino cherry right up on top of my s--- data sundae. It was a really, "Oh, I did not want to know that.". What a gorgeous conclusive piece of confirming data. At the rate I am going, I will take another week to finish.

Dan: 17-May-2009 01:10:16
Strange anomaly. Perfect curves in arctic ocean ice. Showed up 5-13-2009. Real or some kind of measurement artifact?? Check cryosphere today link in Climate Disruption article.

Dan: 16-May-2009 11:00:00
ToDo: topic in my forum. 'Science Must Work Like Poker'. Both are Show & Tell done in front of all participants, in Public. We don't take your word on a showdown. It is "objective" = all participants agree they can see the cards(measurements). Every player is an equal. Its rules and procedures treat everyone alike, smart, dumb, drunk, sober, aces always beat kings. A scientist's 'win' is to perfectly describe how our universe works in terms of 'objective measures of cause and effect'. Period. In science, the factual data, the factual measurements and observations always trump theory. "Just the facts, mam, just the facts." Jack Webb, Dragnet. Like poker, scientific pots are 'questions & disagreements' about 'logical and observational discrepancies to how well the present set of theories describe reality. Thus wrong predictions are what we must use to improve theories by using our imagination, intuition, experience, gut feelings, and above all, public "negative feedback" to improve our always provisional theories. Only evidence and data, not appeals to authority must always decide In Theory; but sadly, not in prior nor present practice. Thus to prevent the self-serving(unconscious own cost minimizing) defenders of existing theory from blocking dissent, a N1CL is required to objectively seek the truth about how ourselves and our universe work.

Dan: 16-May-2009 04:51:33
New topic on fruits of US torture.

Dan: 15-May-2009 08:46:25
The strongest confirmation that we have a conservation debt is the absolute refusal of any you to ask a question or comment. Since anyone can register and use the community forums for free, it is amazing . What an example of own cost minimization in action. Total denial, but for sure, you all know in your bones you are tied to our A-M debt because you are. Since my premise is that you are own life time alive maximizers, lets hope your survival instincts prevail. Reminds of the old Jack Benny joke, "Your money or your life." as the robber pokes him with a gun, Jack thinks and thinks, 'Your money or your life." says the robber, "Give me a minute, I'm thinking, I'm thinking.". I suspect his is a close call for most of you, especially our leaders, acknowledge responsibility out loud to the rest of us, we are in trouble, they probably would rather die. We will see.

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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